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Rice University
Department of Modern and Classical Literatures and Cultures
School of Humanities
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LE FRUIT DÉFENDU : MOEURS CRÉOLES René Bonneville Roman martiniquais inédit. Roman de René Bonneville. Présentation de Jacqueline Couti avec la collaboration d' Hélène Balcerac
Sex, Sea, and Self: Sexuality and Nationalism in French Caribbean Discourses, 1924-1948, Jacqueline Couti
Journal of Women's History, v. 35, no. 1, fall 2023, Debout & Déter/Standing Up & Determined: Black Women on the Move, Black Feminisms in French (Post)Imperial Contexts, Eds. Jennifer Boittin & Jacqueline Couti
Poeticas de los dislocamientos, Eds. Gisela Heffes, et al.
Don Duardos, Ed., Esther Fernández
Living the Comedia: Essays Celebrating Amy Williamsen, Esther Fernandez
Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece, Harvey Yunis
Demosthenes: On the Crown (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics), Ed. Harvey Yunis
A New Creed: Fundamental Religious Beliefs in the Athenian Polis and Euripidean Drama, Harvey Yunis
Terror and Consensus: Vicissitudes of French Thought, Eds. Jean-Joseph Goux and Philip R. Wood
Understanding Jean-Paul Sartre (Understanding Modern European and Latin American Literature), Philip R. Wood
Zwischen Stein und Stern: Mystische Formgebung in der Dichtung von Else Lasker-Schüler, Nelly Sachs und Paul Celan, Klaus Weissenberger
Die Deutsche Lyrik, 1945-1975: Zwischen Botschaft und Spiel (German Edition), Klaus Weissenberger
Die Gattungen der nicht-fiktionalen Kunstprosa im NS-Exil: Verkannte Formen literarischer Identitätsbestätigung (Philologische Studien und Quellen, Klaus Weissenberger
Formen der Elegie von Goethe bis Celan, Klaus Weissenberger
Die Elegie Bei Paul Celan, Klaus Weissenberger
Benjamins Wahlverwandtschaften: Zur Kritik einer programmatischen Interpretation, Uwe Steiner, et al.
Poetische Theodizee Philosophie achtzehnten Jahrhundert, Uwe Steiner
Walter Benjamin: Ästhetik und Geschichtsphilosophie- Esthétique et philosophie de l'histoire, Gérard Raulet, Uwe Steiner
Humanismus und Antikerezeption im 18. Jahrhundert / Band 3: Humanism and Revolution, Eds., Uwe Steiner, Christian J. Emden, and Martin Vöhler
Die Geburt der Kritik aus dem Geiste der Kunst: Untersuchungen zum Begriff der Kritik in den frühen Schriften Walter Benjamins, Uwe Styeiner
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940, Uwe Steiner
Walter Benjamin: An Introduction to His Work and Thought, Uwe Steiner
Walter Benjamin (Sammlung Metzler), Uwe Steiner
Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, Eds. M. Rafael Salaberry et al.
Assessing Speaking in Context: Expanding the Construct and its Applications, Eds. M. Rafael Salaberry, Alfred Rue Burch
Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence Bridging Theory and Practice, Eds. M. Rafael Salaberry, Silvia Kunitz
Research Design and Methodology in Studies on L2 Tense and Aspect, Author/Editor Rafael Salaberry, Editor Llorenc Comajoan
Language Allegiances and Bilingualism in the US, M. Rafael Salaberry
Staging History Brecht's Social Concepts of Ideology, Astrid Oesmann
Brecht und das Fragment, Astrid Oesmann and Matthias Rothe
The Legacy of Courtly Literature: From Medieval to Contemporary Culture (Arthurian and Courtly Cultures), Eds. Deborah Nelson-Campbell & Rouben Cholakian
Virgil Recomposed: The Mythological and Secular Centos in Antiquity, Scott McGill
Virgil: Aeneid Book XI, Scott McGill
From the Tetrarchs to the Theodosians: Later Roman History and Culture, 284–450 CE, Eds., Scott McGill et al.
Plagiarism in Latin Literature, Scott McGill
Juvencus' Four Books of the Gospels Evangeliorum Libri Quattuor, Scott McGill
A Companion to Late Antique Literature, Eds. Scott McGill et al.
Talking Trojan Speech and Community in the Iliad, Hilary Mackie
Graceful Errors: Pindar and the Performance of Praise, Hilary Mackie
Sophie La Belle And The Miniature Cities, Gisela Heffes
Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema, Eds. Gisela Heffes et al.
Políticas de la destrucción - poéticas de la preservación : apuntes para una lectura eco-crítica del medio ambiente en América Latina, Gisela Heffes
The Latin American Ecocultural Reader, Eds. Gisela Heffes et al.
El cero móvil de su boca/The Mobile Zero of Its Mouth, Gisela Heffes
Cocodrilos en la noche, Gisela Heffes
Las ciudades imaginarias en la literatura latinoamericana, Gisela Heffes
Bodies in Pieces: Fantastic Narrative and the Poetics of the Fragment, Deborah A. Harter
Fundaciones, canon, historia y cultura nacional, la historiografía del liberalismo del siglo XIX, Beatriz González-Stephan
Galerias del progreso. Museos, exposiciones y cultura visual en America Latina, Beatriz González & Jens Andermann (ed.)
Escribir la Historia Literaria: Capital Simbolico Y Monumemto Cultural, Beatriz González Stephan
La Historiografia Literaria Del Liberalismo Hispanoamericano Del Siglo XIX, Beatriz González Stephan
Fijar la patria : Eduardo Blanco y el imaginario venezolano, Beatriz González-Stephan y Carlos Sandoval, coordinadores
Estructura y significacion de Pedro Paramo, Beatriz González Stephan
Cultura Y Tercer Mundo: Cambios en el Saber Academico, Beatriz González Stephan
Exclusions: Practicing Prejudice in French Law and Medicine, 1920–1945, Julie Fette
Les Français (Fourth Edition), Julie Fette, Jean-Francois Briere, & Laurence Wylie
To Embody the Marvelous: The Making of Illusions in Early Modern Spain, Esther Fernández
Eros en escena: Erotismo En El Teatro Del Siglo De Oro, Esther Fernández Rodriguez
The Image of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Spain, Eds. Esther Fernández & Eduardo Olid Guerrero
Diálogos en las tablas: Últimas tendencias de la puesta en escena del teatro clásico español, Eds. Esther Fernández, Et al.
Sex and Gender in Cervantes: Essays in Honor of Adrienne Laskier Martin, Ed. Esther Fernández Rodriguez, et al.
Modernity at Gunpoint: Firearms, Politics, and Culture in Mexico and Central America, Sophie Esch
Changing Perceptions of the Public Sphere, Eds. Christian J. Emden & David Midgley
Nietzsche's Naturalism: Philosophy and the Life Sciences in the Nineteenth Century, Christian J. Emden
Nietzsche on Language, Consciousness, and the Body, Christian J. Emden
Humanismus und Antikerezeption im 18. Jahrhundert / Band III: Humanismus und Revolution, Uwe Steiner & Martin Vöhler
Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of History, Christian J. Emden
Beyond Habermas: Democracy, Knowledge, and the Public Sphere, Christian J. Emden & David Midgley
Walter Benjamins Archäologie der Moderne: Kulturwissenschaft um 1930, Christian Emden
Sumergido Submerged: Cine Alternativo Cubano, Cuban Alternative Cinema, Luis Duno-Gottberg, et al.
La Derecha Como Autoritarismo en el Siglo XXI, Luis Duno-Gottberg
La Humanidad Como Mercancia: Introduccion a la Esclavitud en America y el Caribe, Luis Duno-Gottberg
Haiti and the Americas, Ed. Luis Duno-Gottbert, et al.
La política encarnada. Biopolítica y cultura en la Venezuela Bolivariana, Luis Duno-Gottberg
Solventando las diferencias: La ideología del mestizaje en Cuba, Luis Duno-Gottberg
Carceral Communities in Latin America, Ed. Luis Duno-Gottberg, et al.
Maïotte: Roman Martiniquais inédit, Présentation de Jacqueline Couti
Les amours de Zémédare et Carina: Et la description de l'île de la Martinique (French Edition), Présentation de Jackqueline Couti
Dangerous Creole Liaisons, Jacqueline Couti
The Place of Politics in German Film, Martin Blumenthal-Barby
Inconceivable Effects: Ethics through Twentieth-Century German Literature, Thought, and Film, Martin Blumenthal-Barby
Der Asymmetrische Blick Film und Uberwachung, Martin Blumenthal-Barby
When We Arrive: A New Literary History of Mexican America, José F. Aranda, Jr.
Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume IV, Eds. José F. Aranda, Jr. and Silvo Torres-Saillant
The Places of Modernity in Early Mexican Culture, 1849-1948, José F. Aranda, Jr.