Gisela Heffes has received the 2022-23 Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professors Award and will be spending both May and June in the UK, working closely with Bristol's Centre for Environmental Studies.
"The Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professorship scheme was founded in 1976 from a bequest from the estate of businessman Benjamin Meaker. To date it has brought over 450 Distinguished Visiting Professors to the University of Bristol (UoB), representing a wide range of disciplinary, theoretical and methodological approaches. The scheme is open to applications from any school or faculty within the University; the purpose of these awards is to bring distinguished researchers from overseas to Bristol in order to enhance the research activity of the University in any field." Go to Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorships At Bristol University for more information.
Gisela Heffes: awardee of the 2022-23 Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professors Award
Department of Modern and Classical Literatures and Cultures