Claire Branigan

WEBSITE(S)| Latin American Studies | Spanish and Portuguese | Claire Branigan, PhD


  • PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • BA, Grinnell College 

Fall Courses

  • LALX 158 Introduction to Latin American Studies
  • SPAN 477 Maternal and Reproductive Health in Latin America


Claire Branigan is a cultural anthropologist who studies the relationship between family, activism, justice, and the law. She holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her dissertation, “Towards a Loving Justice: Kinship Activism against Femicide in Argentina,” explores the Argentine movement against femicide and how activists translate their demands for justice into law. In 2020, Claire founded RIAF (La Red Interamericana Anti Femicidio/Interamerican Network Against Femicide), a transnational network made up of scholars, activists, and artists working to end femicide in the Américas. Claire has taught anthropology and Latin American studies at the University of Illinois and Grinnell College. Prior to her PhD, Claire worked in immigration law and as a tenant organizer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

You can learn more about Claire on her website: